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Monday, June 10, 2013

Flyline’s Press Release Service Creates the Buzz for Florists Like Allen’s Flowers and Plants

Press releases are alive and well as a still relevant way to garner publicity and spread the word about your company. 

Now, it’s even easier thanks to online press release distribution companies that allow you to disseminate news and information about your company through more media outlets both online and offline.

That’s why we still include this marketing tactic as part of our Internet Marketing program for florists. In fact, our search engine optimized press releases for our clients are often picked up on the search engines and available for months and years after the news to keep the buzz going.

Allen’s Flowers and Plants’ PR Program
As you can see from this link, Allen’s Flowers and Plants of San Diego has issued a lot of news through the past year, including two press releases each month that have been picked up by various media outlets.

The press release topics were selected by our public relations and marketing team based on relevant holidays, events, and specials, which were then issued one to two weeks prior to the holiday or event to garner more traction and attention, fueling interest and building sales prior to the holidays. 

This schedule has helped to enhance Allen’s online and in-store traffic as well as further its brand reputation in the local and national marketplaces.

Our Press Release Services
Allen’s Flowers and Plants of San Diego uses our press release services, which includes the following:
·         Two SEO press releases per month.

·         Content development and management tied to upcoming holidays, events, and specials.
·         Press release issuance on an online wire service (an extra fee applies) that includes uploading each press release service to the wire and including a photo gallery for each press release.
·         Tracking of the number of views to gauge Internet marketing efforts in this aspect of the program.
·         Logging of press releases on the client website for website visitors to also read.

The press release program is part of a larger Internet Marketing program that includes numerous tactics designed to maximize the publicity and outreach effort.

Are you ready to get started or have questions about a press release program? Contact us today so we can help you get more attention for your flower shop or any small business.

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