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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Building a Better Social Media Brand

If businesses have one goal in mind for 2012 it should be the push for content marketing and social media marketing to achieve greater success through networking. Building a personal brand will shape and determine your success rate for 2012 and ensure an increase of growth for now and beyond.

Forbes.com offered tips from 30-Minute Social Media Marketing, by McGraw-Hill in 2010 and Content Marketing for Dummies by Wiley in 2011 to offer a comprehensive set of skills and ideas to assist companies with continued growth and success within the social media realm.
Discover Your Target Audience
Begin taking steps to determine your target audience. Forbes.com suggests visiting sites like Google.com and search probable key words to discover similar brands, content, and businesses aligned to yours.
  • Click on these links and explore the multiple sites to learn where your target consumer spends his or her time and money.
  • Utilize this time as a fact-finding mission to listen in and see what consumers are saying about these products or services.
  • Take the time to learn what topics are interesting them and why it has value.
Businesses can use this information to increase their own strategies and position their product or service to its best advantage.

A Journey Begins With One Step: Building the Bridge to Success
Your best strategy to developing a successful social media campaign begins by a formulating a concept and determining how to position your brand within the market:
  • Determine the factors that will influence and impact your principal message and shape your national and global image to tailor your specific meaning to your target audience.
  • The process of developing customer loyalty and product commitment takes time. Customers have certain expectations and demand a clear message.
  • Find a position and stay on course by delivering and promoting a consistent message.
Be a Member of the Team
The idea of social media and how it works for businesses thrives on the idea of engaging your target audience and becoming a dynamic partner in active dialogue. Forbes.com proposes businesses “apply the 80-20 rule of marketing” and avoid self-promotion as your primary activity. Your efforts will be transparent and thus will reflect poorly of your social media skills.

The idea of social media is about strengthening bonds and developing relationships with your core audience. Businesses who set a goal to engage their customers in a real-life give and take can expect to expand their business and revenues in a positive way.

Now That is Interesting
One step to generating hits and expanding your web presence is by increasing your blogs with fresh and relevant content that target your core audience. With each blog post, you can increase the possibility of better Google positioning through keyword searches.

And, with interesting and fresh blog posts there is a good likelihood a user will share these links via LinkedIn and Facebook as well as other media sites to expand your influence and promote your brand.


Bringing it Home
A business must focus on capturing the attention of their target audience and marketing their product in such a way as it does not seem forced. By allowing a natural progression of brand promotion through careful marketing a company can expect to develop and faithful and loyal following. Ask us how we can help you bring customers into the fold.


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