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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Some Do's and Don’ts for Social Media Marketing Beginners

There are many businesses in the Atlanta area that are eager to hop on the social media marketing bandwagon. 

But, jumping aboard a speeding boxcar has its fair share of hazards, and not everyone who wants to take advantage of the social media revolution to grow their business is adequately equipped to ensure they don’t wind up missing the mark altogether. 
Think about these do's and don'ts as you get started with social media marketing.

Do… start your own blog
This suggestion has a tendency to illicit groans of displeasure, especially from those who look on writing as a chore they’d rather not have to partake in. But, think about it – without a blog that actually offers your social media followers something to sink their proverbial teeth into (as opposed to their actual teeth) all you’re really doing is posting links. That’s not what social media’s really about.

Don’t… rely solely on Twitter posts and Facebook updates
Going hand in hand with the aforementioned need to start your own business blog is the admonition that your message could fall on deaf ears if you limit the extent of your social media presence to a 140-character length Twitter post here or a 420-character length Facebook status update there. A social media strategy thrives on content, and these platforms are too limiting to be your sole channels for your social media strategy.
Do… market yourself to people who don’t like to read
If computer monitors were as easy on the eyes as, say, a newspaper or a magazine, you wouldn’t need to think about offering up alternatives to text-based posts. But they’re not, and you do. The best way to do this is to create a video version of your blog posts using some basic images and narration, and post them to YouTube or Vimeo. It doesn’t hurt to have a professional look about, but it’s not entirely necessary either. These free video posting sites also let you link back to your social media platforms, increasing your exposure.

Don’t… force it
The best social marketing campaigns happen organically and require no forcing on your part. If you try to ram your message down people’s throats, or spend every minute of every spare hour you have posting one update after another, you’ll end up chasing people away. 
Your best bet is to leave the occasional tasty morsel out and let your online followers come to you when they’re hungry. Hey, if it works with squirrels, it’s bound to work with people.


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